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11 results

Farming investor set to develop major agribusiness precinct
National farming investor Duxton Farms has been awarded Wildman land for a new agribusiness project.
Quarterly Investment Bulletin
Welcome to Investment Territory’s Quarterly Bulletin, providing the insights, project updates and progress from Australia's Northern Territory.

Territory leads tropical oyster research
Blacklip Rock Oyster farming is an emerging industry in the Northern Territory.

Adelaide River Off-Stream Water Storage
SMEC Australia has been awarded the contract to deliver the final concept design for the Adelaide River Off-Stream Water Storage project (AROWS).

Vocus’ Darwin-Jakarta-Singapore Cable lights up
Vocus’ Darwin-Jakarta-Singapore Cable (DJSC) system is a major leap forward in Australia's global connectivity, bridging the digital divide and unlocking new opportunities for growth, innovation, and development in the Northern Territory.

Middle Arm creating jobs through hydrogen
One of the 5 proponents working to call the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct home, is in Darwin this week to progress work on its project in the precinct.

Progress and outlook report 2022 to 2023
The Investment Territory 2022 to 2023 progress and outlook report outlines the Territory’s current investment portfolio and Investment Territory’s areas of focus.

Local Jobs Fund investment awarded to 2 proponents
Local Jobs Fund is accelerating industry in the Territory with investment in Life H20 and Headland Food Group.

NT Farmers cotton gin study
The Local Jobs Fund allowed NT Farmers Association to explore the viability of building the Northern Territory’s first cotton gin.

Western Davenport Community Infrastructure Study
NT Farmers has received support via a Priority Sector Collaborative Grant from the Local Jobs Fund (LJF) for $100,000 (plus GST). The funds are required to develop studies for a masterplan for a community precinct in the Western Davenport region to support a new agricultural/horticultural precinct, which will be the subject of the second application submitted to the LJF.

Western Davenport Farm and Power Infrastructure Study
A consortium of Western Davenport businesses has received approval for funding from the Local Jobs Fund via a Priority Sector Collaborative Grant.